Coincident speakers 14 Ohms - What amplification to use when streaming Tidal.

My Coincident Victory highly efficient speakers are at a 14 Ohm requirement.  I stream music using bluetooth through Tidal, but have agonized over amplification now using a Teac 301 Al D integrated amp with built in DAC and Bluetooth.  A SET tube amp is recommended by Coincident, but I do not play records any more.  In addition, I don’t want to spend a ton of money.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Thanks much. 
Thank you for all these knowledgable responses.  I need to inform all that I am a bit stuck in 1976 regarding audio components, and I am not very well versed anymore.  My budget for everything would be about $2000.  The speakers will be placed in a large, open concept living space, approximately 1000 square feet.  I am not a true audiophile anymore, due to multiple moves (7) in the past ten years, making my collection of Parasound, Myryad, and Roksan amps moot.  Now, I use a simple sound bar for the TV, and I just want my own space in this current rented townhouse for my jazz listening pleasure.  Streaming music makes life easier, and we will be moving again. I am cognitively deficient in digital anything. Thus, I want to use my Coincidents, stream from Tidal, with the least hassle imaginable.  Move a few times and you will understand.  All I know is this:
I need a DAC
I shouldn’t be using Bluetooth 
The 14 Ohm speakers create a problem
A Bluesound Node 2i was recommended
I want to spend a total of $2000
These speakers may need a subwoofer and my Vredestein may be too powerful.
I am at a loss and need help.  Audio has gone way beyond the days I took my Marantz amp, tuner, and preamp and hooked them up to my EPI speakers and Gerard turntable.  It was so easy back then.  Thanks for any advice.  I do feel very old.
The 14 ohms impedance isn't problematic for any amp.

It does not matter what source you use or what music you prefer. But you will need a bit of power since your music room is a bit bigger. So the SET idea is right out (and FWIW, most of the Coincident line is a bit on the low side efficiency-wise to really show off most SETs). The speakers are an ideal match with our M-60s, but they are outside of the stated budget. For that sort of money I'd be looking at something used with at least 60 watts.
You might consider line magnetic. There are a few models listed at usaudiomart that would be interesting to me if I were in your situation (I had super eclipse and now have pure reference extremes).