Coincident speakers 14 Ohms - What amplification to use when streaming Tidal.

My Coincident Victory highly efficient speakers are at a 14 Ohm requirement.  I stream music using bluetooth through Tidal, but have agonized over amplification now using a Teac 301 Al D integrated amp with built in DAC and Bluetooth.  A SET tube amp is recommended by Coincident, but I do not play records any more.  In addition, I don’t want to spend a ton of money.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Thanks much. 
I used to own Victory II’s. With the rear ports, they were a little tricky to place in my small-ish room. Salvatore wrote that they can be an exercise in frustration if not fed quality components. That said, I found that they are capable speakers with many different types of amps. It will come down to a matter of taste. I tried 5 different amplifier topologies with mine. My personal favorites were my 8 watt SET monoblocks (that I still own), and an 80 watt OTL amp (that I ended up selling because they generated too much heat). I felt the sound with these amps was more fleshed out and more immediate, at least to my ears, than the other amps I had at hand. The other amps were push-pull 300B, A/B solid state, and EL34. They all sounded good too, just a bit thin and less "you are there" compared to the other two amps, IMO..
Thank you for all these knowledgable responses.  I need to inform all that I am a bit stuck in 1976 regarding audio components, and I am not very well versed anymore.  My budget for everything would be about $2000.  The speakers will be placed in a large, open concept living space, approximately 1000 square feet.  I am not a true audiophile anymore, due to multiple moves (7) in the past ten years, making my collection of Parasound, Myryad, and Roksan amps moot.  Now, I use a simple sound bar for the TV, and I just want my own space in this current rented townhouse for my jazz listening pleasure.  Streaming music makes life easier, and we will be moving again. I am cognitively deficient in digital anything. Thus, I want to use my Coincidents, stream from Tidal, with the least hassle imaginable.  Move a few times and you will understand.  All I know is this:
I need a DAC
I shouldn’t be using Bluetooth 
The 14 Ohm speakers create a problem
A Bluesound Node 2i was recommended
I want to spend a total of $2000
These speakers may need a subwoofer and my Vredestein may be too powerful.
I am at a loss and need help.  Audio has gone way beyond the days I took my Marantz amp, tuner, and preamp and hooked them up to my EPI speakers and Gerard turntable.  It was so easy back then.  Thanks for any advice.  I do feel very old.
The 14 ohms impedance isn't problematic for any amp.

It does not matter what source you use or what music you prefer. But you will need a bit of power since your music room is a bit bigger. So the SET idea is right out (and FWIW, most of the Coincident line is a bit on the low side efficiency-wise to really show off most SETs). The speakers are an ideal match with our M-60s, but they are outside of the stated budget. For that sort of money I'd be looking at something used with at least 60 watts.