Coincident speakers 14 Ohms - What amplification to use when streaming Tidal.

My Coincident Victory highly efficient speakers are at a 14 Ohm requirement.  I stream music using bluetooth through Tidal, but have agonized over amplification now using a Teac 301 Al D integrated amp with built in DAC and Bluetooth.  A SET tube amp is recommended by Coincident, but I do not play records any more.  In addition, I don’t want to spend a ton of money.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Thanks much. 
My Coincidents are at a 97 db sensitivity, so I don’t think that is inefficient, but what do I know.  Seriously, using an 8 Ohm amp on these 14 Ohm speakers will cause what kinds of problems?
Yes- at that impedance 97 dB would be a high sensitivity. In practice though it appears that the speaker is more like about 94. Using the 8 ohm tap will be no worries.

That amp would sound fine, but if you plan to fill 1000 sq feet(!) you'll need considerably more power unless you will be fairly close to the system.
"A SET tube amp is recommended by Coincident, but I do not play records any more..."

Not sure if I follow the connection..

Same here... how are the two connected?  Pick an amp you like and that interfaces well to your speakers.  In the end streaming and vinyl are both 1V nominal analog music signals

The Bluesound Node 2i would work for your streaming source.  It's really easy to set up and use.  It can connect with your  WiFi router either by WiFi or ethernet cable.  You download an app to your phone or tablet and control it with that.  If you have any problems someone here could advise you on where you're going wrong.

I don't know what the difference between the Node 2 and 2i is but you can probably pick up a 2 used here, if you want to save a little there.
A Bakoon SCA 7511 integrated amp should match well.They are solid state class A/B but current drive,have zero negative feedback and like SETs have a high output impedance .They do not sound exactly like a SET but are probably more like them than any other SS amp I have heard.Only 15 watts but an absolute quality 15 watts and  if your speakers suit are capable of extremely high end sound and are very affordable.
97 (or even 94) dB sensitivity is VERY efficient.  Compared to a typical 89dB speaker that means you need something like 1/4 to 1/8 the power for the same volume. 

An "8 ohm" amp is simply the load it is rated into.  Ohms are a measure of resistance. The higher the easier to drive. The lower the harder. Zero ohms is a short circuit. In practice nearly every amp (except tube amps) is designed for a s low an output impedance as possible -- on the order of 1/4 ohm (0.25 and below). Its the other way around that's a problem - a high impedance output tube amp cannot deliver high current.  A 4 ohm or  (yikes) 2 ohm speaker demands lots of current.  No go, like an under powered motor.
The good news is that at 97 dB it wont need much current anyway!(for the record current = voltage / load in ohms).
Bottom line a really good solid state amp ought to dive anything. Within reason mine will.