Coming out of the blackhole called work...retirement

Hello All

I have just retired and emerged from the mud of work that encompasses everything and acts light a blackhole for hobbies and enjoyment. Now that I am seeing some light I want to upgrade my 70's something stereo to something I can really enjoy. I read in a post from long ago about a preamplifier called a George Lightspeed. It was Australian, quality sound according to the posts and cheap. Is this something I want to consider or must I look at products in the thousands or 10's of? 

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Congrats on your retirement.  In about 18 months I'll probably be joining you!
Congrats! I just retired January 2nd. So far,I’m loving life. 
Take your time and find something you like. That’s one thing you have a lot of now is time. You don’t have to spend a fortune, although it’s really hard to stick with a budget. There’s so much cool stuff out there!
Welcome to retirement life. No more schedules and “I must get this done by...”.

The main thing is to buy what you like and what you enjoy to listen to.  There is no such thing as a perfect system and it is very subjective too.

As a retirement present to myself, I bought myself a simple and non clutter system because I no longer want to have multiple components and cables running among them.  I purchased the Devialet 1000 Pro with a pair of Focal Maestro to simplify my home.  The source is a custom built cube PC by my son-in-law with two dedicated 6TB hard drives with Tidal / JRiver as digital music management.  I will later re-condition my 40-year old turntable as analogue source and same vintage NAD CD player for my CD collections.


retired-hank3 posts01-27-2018 4:17pmWelcome to retirement life. No more schedules and “I must get this done by...”.

Ah, not quite right. There's always the dreaded fridge list, from the missus.

Cheers George

The fridge list is short and leaves plenty of time so perusing HiFi forums.

The list is short because it says "a new house"...from the missus

Mine says "new stereo". Men are simple beings.