Comparing Perf: Original XLR v. RCA- XLR adapter

I would be grateful for feedback on any potential performance difference between an original Balanced (XLR) high end Interconnect (e.g. Kubala Sosna Emotion) and the same cable originally RCA ended but fitted with high quality XLR adapters to meet the needs of balanced gears (preamps and amps) with no RCA options. The entire system is high end.
Thank You.


1. Balanced cables are only "quieter" if carrying a balanced signal (a plus and a minus referenced to a neutral conductor) in which case noise in the normal (non-inverted) signal cancels with the noise in the inverted signal -- this is known as common mode rejection. So if, via an adaptor, one sends a single ended signal ONLY (in other words, half of a balanced signal) through a balanced cable, common mode rejection doesn't come into play. So there goes the noise rejection advantage.

I'm afraid that's incorrect.

Balanced interfaces and the common-mode rejection that they offer have nothing to do with the signal. A balanced interface rejects common-mode noise even when there is no signal present, and it doesn't matter whether the signal's being sent asymmetrically on one line, or symmetrically between both lines.

What "balanced" refers to is the impedance of each line with respect to ground. The source impedances must be balanced in order for the differential input to be most effective at rejecting common-mode noise. Any imbalance will degrade this rejection.
Hello all
thanks a lot for the thoughtful replies. I'd however like to refocus the thread for more meaningful discussion about my specific problem.

I have just bought a preamp (Jeff Rowland Synery 2i) which happens to have only balanced inputs and outputs (i.e. no RCA inputs or outputs). But my CD player and mono amps (tube amps) have both balanced and unbalanced possibilities.

I already have 2 very good interconnects(Kubala Sosna Emotion)and Audio Note ANVx but both are single ended. Thus the only way for me to be able to use the new preamp is either buying new XLR cables or use my existing RCA cables and fit them with the factory supplied XLR-RCA connectors (came with the Jeff Rowland preamp.

My question then is, is it worth investing big money in buying XLR cables or do I just use the adapters for connecting convenience) and make as if am using only RCA cables.

So the issue is narrowed down to, will the same cable (i.e. Kubala Sosna Emotion) in XLR version sound better than Kubala RCA (fitted with XLR adaptors) all else being equal? I have to possibility to try the Kubala XLR version.
Many thanks.

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