Comparing these CD players with my gear...

Hi folks, 

I'm always messing around with CD players. A longtime audio friend of mine says I have a CD fetish... well, he's probably right. In a medium that is slowly dying, I'm still spinning discs more than ever. I stream too, but there still something awesome about taking a CD or LP and placing it in/onto a machine to play the sweet music we all love. 

Anyway, in my latest jaunt for something new, I've put together my latest list of players that have caught my eye for one reason of another. My gear consists of a Creek 4330SE integrated amp and Vandersteen 2C speakers. Cables are DH Labs Q-10's and Air Matrix interconnects. 

So what are your thoughts/impressions/comments on the synergies of the following CD players and how they would sound with my gear. I'm most curious about the Naim, Cambridge Audio and Myryad. 

Naim CD3.5
Cambridge Audio 840c
Myryad MCD600
Cal Audio Labs Icon mkII Power Boss
Marantz CD6006 (or CD6005)
Rotel RCD-1072

Naim CD3.5
Theta Miles

*Cast your Vote!*
For me neither as these are both "Delta Sigma" (bitsteam) based converters.

I love the sound of "Multibit" converters when converting CD (RedBook) 16/44 or 24/96. They have better jump factor, which gives more involvement to CD, and are bit perfect. Delta Sigma converts Redbook as a facsimile of the real thing.

Quote from MoJo Music:
" When a PCM (CD) file is played on a Delta Sigma or Bit Stream converter, the DAC chip has to convert the PCM to DSD in real time. This is one of the major reasons people claim DSD sounds better than PCM, when in fact, it is just that the chip in most modern single-bit DACs do a poor job of decoding PCM." 

Cheers George
Hi George, 
I think the Miles has both. In fact, I've read the advantages of using 1-bit, multi-bit and DSP. It's all prefence I guess--as well as how well designed the analog stage is. I've had great sounding players that have used each type.

Here is what the Miles has:

2 x PCM67P-J - Motorola DSP

From what I read, the PCM67 is a hybrid 1-bit COSM and 18-bit multibit DAC. Then add Theta's DSP and the Miles has it all. :)
Two things:
 I think the Naim has a DIN output and not standard RCA connectors, can you accommodate that?
Also pretty sure I've read that the Miles sounds far better using the balanced outputs, does your amp have a balanced input?


I was responding to this statement.

"I think you’ll find all the players mentioned use dac data textbook I/V stage and output stages, which are just opamps.I think you’ll find all the players mentioned use dac data textbook I/V stage and output stages, which are just opamps."

Just because the players use the same types of parts doesn't mean the analog sections will all sound the same. Different brands, different design, build quality, etc... It all makes a difference.