Comparison of Tube Output CD Players

I wonder if anyone has had an opportunity to listen to, and evaluate, the following relatively comparatively priced CD players which all incorporate tube output stages:-

Jolida JD-100A

Audio Aero Prima

Unico CD

Audio Note 3.1x

The Jolida 100A is also available with quite a number of mods by the "Parts Connexion", by "Underwood HiFi", and by Verastarr which are apparently "factory approved" since the original warranty is maintained. If anyone could
comment about these mods I would be very grateful.
I don't want to side-track this thread, but i find Howard's comments about the Pass amps interesting. My experience is that they simply pass ( no pun intended ) what is fed into them. If you have a good source and preamp, you have good sound. If you've got problems, those problems are amplified. Evidently, the Capitole is a nice sounding piece of gear : ) Sean

I have heard several different Pass Labs amps in other configurations, and while I found them to be extraordinary SS gear, they just never reached me the way these did when I heard them today. From the combination of these particular components came a warm, tight, and utterly seductive sound. That Capitole was as I've found all the Audio Aero equipment to be--flawless. And if I had the dough, and a strong back, I'd have run off with those Pass blocks.
Hey Boa2,
How close is the Prima cd player to the Capitole? Care to define the differences/performance gap between the two of them?
I've only heard the Jolida from your list above. I currently own a Cary 308T (also tubed output) The soundstage on the Cary is terrific and it has more detail than the Jolida.

BUT the Jolida is one of the most engaging and musical CD players I've ever heard. As Boa2 stated above it is hard to turn off. A terrific CD player for under a grand.

I don't know the others, but when I heard the AN 3.1x Balanced my search for DAC technology stopped. It's hard to describe the difference, but Audio Note's filterless, tube/transformer coupled DACs made everything else I'd listened to until then sound sterile, uninvolving and lifeless. They have tremendous presence and soul, and give music a sense of life that for me is totally addictive. There are obviously players that others prefer for the price, but there seems to be a certain class of listeners for whom the AN approach is the most musically satisfying.