Computer Audio – Help Getting Started

I want to add a computer based audio source. My goals are to store a majority of my music collection on a computer accessed hard drive (with back up) and have the ability to easily play those digital files through my main system. I would also like the ability to copy selected music from the hard drive onto a small portable hard drive (or a thumb drive?) so I can play it at remote locations such as an office system. I will consider playback hardware (DAC's etc.) at a later time.

Before I start ripping desired CD’s to my computer, I suspect I will need to first decide which type of computer and operating system I will be using (Mac or Windows). Since I already have a home desktop and work laptop that use a Windows based OS, given that I am not interested in i-tunes, and knowing that Windows based laptops are about half the cost of a MacBook Pro, are there any compelling reasons why I should consider purchasing a Mac over a similar featured Windows based laptop as a dedicated computer for my audio?

Once this first decision is made, then I am sure to have more questions about specific software I should use for ripping and playback to preserve the highest quality sound possible, hopefully to match my CD source components. Thanks for any help provided.
Itunes works well with some aftermarket software like J.River or Amarra if you use a Mac.
I prefer a PC but a Mac can be fine for just music.
A great site is
I prefer Macs because they are less buggy and the virus issues are so much easier. More audio based hardware tends to work with Windows based products, so this might be a consideration if you think that you might be adding a product
such as the Marantz NA 7004.
I have done direct comparisons with a Dell laptop and a Macbook playing the same files (formatted for each OS) in my system and I can't detect any audible difference.