I don't know
I think you need to give it more than 4 minutes.
I ventured into pc based transport on Friday night as a major skeptic, and by Sunday night, I am convinced and no turning back.
I had your initial thoughts too during my first playback of a ripped CD but I gave it more time and what sealed it for me was some comments from my wife.
It sounds like you have a really nice setup, much nicer than mine so you should be able to reep major benefits with some time and effort.
go for it!
I think you need to give it more than 4 minutes.
I ventured into pc based transport on Friday night as a major skeptic, and by Sunday night, I am convinced and no turning back.
I had your initial thoughts too during my first playback of a ripped CD but I gave it more time and what sealed it for me was some comments from my wife.
It sounds like you have a really nice setup, much nicer than mine so you should be able to reep major benefits with some time and effort.
go for it!