For a main computer...I would just build one or have someone
to build one for me. Linux is another great option as an OS.
It's free and performs solidly. Virus protection isn't
really necessary with it either. My favorites are Linux
Ubuntu and Linux Mint. You can have a very fast, high
quality, stable computer with future expansion capabilities
not found in most manufactured computers.. that includes
Plus no need to worry about all the proprietary stuff that
Mac users have to deal with either.
Good luck with your search.
to build one for me. Linux is another great option as an OS.
It's free and performs solidly. Virus protection isn't
really necessary with it either. My favorites are Linux
Ubuntu and Linux Mint. You can have a very fast, high
quality, stable computer with future expansion capabilities
not found in most manufactured computers.. that includes
Plus no need to worry about all the proprietary stuff that
Mac users have to deal with either.
Good luck with your search.