Conditioner for Cary MB500 Monoblocks

Hi all.

Tomorrow I will be installing Cary's MB500 monoblocks into my system. They will be running into the 4 ohm Aerial 9 speaker, so the amps will be putting out 1000 watts per side.

I have a Shunyata Hydra 6, and I'm not sure I want to run the amps through it. I'm concerned about current limiting, suppressing the soundstage...all the usual concerns about power conditioning. I will run the rest of the gear through the Hydra (cd, pre, etc), BUT....

I'm curious about people's experience with big monos and high end conditioners. The ones that have caught my attention are the Furman (ref 20 -- will the 15 be enough?) and the Exact Power (not sure which one). I'm open to hearing about other brands that have worked for you. APS anyone?

It's kind of expensive to experiment, so I'd be grateful for any actual experience you may have with high current high power amps and your conditioner.

Thanks in advance,

Rich (in Portland OR)

Showing 2 responses by avguygeorge

As a NE born and raised guy--- thanks NY fan.(appreciate the replay thing.)One of my fav. lines comes from "Lake Placid"----Bridgit Fonda is just being an out and out bitch, to all she comes in contact with on her visit to NE. Eventually Bill Pullman says to her in a low key voice: "You don't have to tell people where you're from". Ok, on with the show. I too have owned many conditioners.I live in a 95 unit complex. One must know the total power usage for said amps,together--then allow for some headroom before you even think about one. I just think any/all conditioners have some downside aspects.So it's the overall combination/result to be assessed. My conditioner of choice is the Audience Adept Response. Used price is around 25/27.
Sirspeedy; I know we're both having fun but you can't throw the first stone and then tell a confronting poster to lighten up--- That job goes to a different poster.---That is how it works,get it??