CONFUSED.. Moz vs Beeth..vienna acoustics at all?

Hi. i'm new to the forum. i just upgraded my components and it was my first time into the world of separates. i got a Primare amp and processor (just over 6k$). now my old mb quartz bookshelves don't seem to be adequate anymore. so now i guess i also need to upgrade my speakers. i was going to go with Vienna Acoustics (since the place where i got my components really promotes the vienna line). My question WAS going to be:

are beethoven's were really worth the extra expenditure over mozart's?

i only have so much money left to put toward this venture. i was planning to go with a maestro, waltz's, a REL storm and the mozart's OR if it was really, really worth it, the beethoven's instead of the mozart's. BUT... after reading a few of the discussion inputs (especially one by i'm not sure whether to even go with Vienna Acoustics at all (?). i want these for home theater use AND music and my musical interests right now tends toward techno, alternative, nine inch nails sort of stuff, with some christian contemp thrown in for good measure.. (yea, i know :))
what do you guys think? i guess now my question is:

Should i go with vienna acoustics at all or would something else maybe better meet my needs?

thanks in advance,
Steve, it sounds like you may want to look in another direction. I like the Vienna Acoustics line, I've owned the Beethovens and I currently own the Strauss, but they are not the most dynamic speakers I've ever heard. They tend to be warm and smooth, more suited for listening to Grover Washington Jr. or James Taylor than NIN. For slammin' rock, alternative, techno, you may want to look at Legacy Classics or Focus models. IMHO.

IMHO Vienna Mozarts are quite the do-all speaker, and depending on your sound preferences, one of the best speakers in their price range. I use my Mozarts for both music and 2-channel video (with no sub). The previous responder was spot on with the "warm and smooth" comment, and you can add very musical to that as well. The Mozarts have plenty of detail and are very involving. If you like the ultra-detailed sound, they might not be for you. If you are wondering about the amount of bass, four days after I added the Mozarts, I had a knock at my door from the local police. It seems that my downstairs neighbors called me in for too much bass while I was watching "Panic Room" (remember no sub). This was with a Creek 5350SE as the power source. If you have a Tweeter near you, buy from them as they have a no-questions asked 30 day retrun policy. Good luck
I currently own the VA Beethovens,Bachs,and Meastro. They have been in my house for well over a year and I am very happy with them. I am all over the board with my listening habits as well. Yes,there is a quite a difference between the Mozarts and the Beets. Speaker cable and I/C's make a big change in the sound as well as the positioning.

I started djing house music (in addition to all the ecclectic music i listen to otherwise), and the VAs are definitely not the way to go. They are ok for classical, but boring for anything with dynamics. I listened to the Beethoven extensively, and it wasn't my cup of tea.

I think Dyns can rock (but need lots of power), and Talons do as well. The Ravens in particular I am looking at because they are down to 19hz and efficient.

I am also looking at Wilson Sophias (like the size, and soundstage), and Avantgardes (probably don't have the room, but the new Solos could work)
"Boring for anything with dynamics". I think you may have heard a bad set-up. What kind of speaker cable was used? The entire VA line needs at least solid copper for the detail to come out. I would like try some silver someday. The local Tweeter stores use B&K amp. with cheap Monster braided copper cable and this a very bad match for the Veinna's. I have a EAD powermaster 1000 amp with solid copper cable and get very good results.

If house or heavy metal is what your playing then get a pair of Klipsch corner horns.
