Connect Macbook Pro to DacMagic DAC

What is the best cable option to comnect my Apple Macbook Pro to my DacMagic DAC? The usb cable provided by Cambridge works okay but can't I get better sound using a mini-rca from the Mac's headphone jack and running it into the DAC's Toslink input? Or, is there such a thing as a mini-rca to coaxial spdif cable? What is the best cable you've ever used for this application?
The USB input on the DacMagic is limited to 16/44.1 (or maybe 24/48; I don't remember exactly) resolution so if you want play 24/96 files you should use a mini-toslink from the MBP headphone jack to one of the DacMagic toslink inputs.
Yep, I am seeing that now. No matter what resolution file I play the DAC is showing 44 on the input LED using the usb port from the Mac.

So, with a Toslink connected to the headphone jack I will get true 96 into the DAC?

Can you recommend a great mini-rca to glass Toslink cable?
The HDTracks 24/96 files for 'Hotel California' and 'Paper Airplane' are sounding pretty darn good via the usb, no telling how great they will sound via the MBP's digital-out over the TosLink.
Toslink to mini-toslink, glass fiber, steel jacketing for protection, scroll to the middle of the webpage:
Van Den Hul also makes some great glass optical cables.
"can't I get better sound using a mini-rca from the Mac's headphone jack and running it into the DAC's Toslink input?"

yes you will most likely get better sound.
Got myself a mini-stereo to Toslink cable and connected it to the headphone jack of my Macbook Pro.  Downloaded several 24/96 albums off of including 'Hotel 'California' and 'Paper Airplane'.  Now we are talking!!!  So far I have downloaded two players on the Mac that will play FLAC files; Pure Music and Decibel.

Both play the FLAC files at 24/96 and both sound great.  Overall I like the Decibel software the best.  It's has a simpler interface, doesn't require iTunes, and I think that it sounds better.  And, it only costs $33.  Pure Music is a bit more expensive at $129... According to the Decibel website the developer is working on upgrading the player to include playlists and other organizational  features.
I've been very happy with my Wireworld Supernova 6-mini. I use it to connect my Macbook Pro, running Pure Music Software, to a Bryston BDA-1 DAC.
As kind of an aside, the DACMagic + has a USB / BlueTooth dongle which makes a wireless connection without using such as an AirPort Express. Or an optical cable.