Conrad Johnson ACT2 against Audio Research Ref 3

I am in the market for a nice line stage preamp. My list has been narrowed down to 2 preamps based on reviews and many listening sessions availabe to me. I do have a local Audio research dealer and have heard and loved the Ref 3 but not Conrad/Johnson. Any thoughts regarding the ACT 2 is greatly appreciated. Thanks.....
Ag insider logo xs@2xginas
If the decision between the two comes down to which one exhibits less coloration and greater transparency, I willing to bet that its the new CJ ACT 2.
First, a question ... what type of music do you play?

My current system includes the ACT2 and the Premier 140, so I've made my choice. I have not heard the ARC Ref 3 although I am generally familiar with ARC gear. Without intending to confuse further, the VTL TL-7.5 is another consideration.

The ARC vs. CJ comparison goes way back and both manufacturers continue to improve their line while retaining the same familial characteristics - their sonic DNA if you will - that has distinquished them across the years.

In terms of build quality each is best of breed from their respective houses and each will retain value over the years.
Both use the Russian 6H30, which pretty much rules out tube rolling.

In terms of sonics, from a 'classic' audiophile perspective these are gold vs silver, yin vs yang, warm vs. cool. While those terms hardly scratch the surface of each component's virtue, they are at the core of the approach from each manufacturer. There is no confusing their sound. In some respects it should be an easy choice based on your own preferences and priorities. This is not a Lincoln vs. Cadillac decision, more like a Ginger vs. MaryAnn dilemma (sorry) - the differences in approach from the two shops are profound, imo. I'd think of it as a long term purchase decision - what do I want to live with over time?

Wittgenstein wrote 'what cannot be said must be consigned to silence' - I would add, 'or to music'. To my ears the sound of the ACT2 is the sound of music.
Ginas, I don't have a strong opinion on the ACT 2 vs. the Ref 3 but suggest you might consider upgrading your digital source. (sorry to hijack this thread)

The Andras need serious power, especially current, to make them come alive, which they will. 200 watts minimum, and more is better.
Just curious, how many 6H30s are out there? Are they still in production and how much do they cost? What is their average life span? Thanks
Jtimothya, what Wittgenstein also said in the first page of the Tractatus Logico Philosophicus is:

"what can be said at all can be said clearly, and what we cannot talk about we must pass over in silence.
Thus the aim of the book is to draw a limit to thought, or rather--not to thought, but to the expression of thoughts: for in order to be able to draw a limit to thought, we should have to find both sides of the limit thinkable (i.e. we should have to be able to think what cannot be thought). It will therefore only be in language that the limit can be drawn, and what lies on the other side of the limit will simply be nonsense."

'tis all really rather confusin'! I do love the Ref 3, but will not comment about Act 2 as I haven't heard it (LW would be proud of me!). I can suggest though, that a fair comparison between the two should involve identical brands/models/lengths of ICs going in/out of the devices, only difference being RCA vs XLR. Furthermore, it is important that the Ref 3 be run in true balance mode, as it can operate also in single ended mode using XLR connectors, though the sound quality is in this submode and in any single ended configuration degraded.