Jazz no confusion I read this on c-j's website regarding the CAV50:
"Because each element of an audio circuit introduces its own sonic colorations, a simple circuit should be expected to yield superior musical performance. At conrad-johnson, we have maintained a commitment to designing simple, straight forward circuits for audio components. The CAV50 elevates this design philosophy from the circuit level to the system level by eliminating the preamplifier altogether and incorporating the control functions on the amplifier chassis, hence the term "control amplifier". This approach completely eliminates the inherent colorations of the active circuitry embodied in a preamplifier stage, and of the cabling between preamp and amp. The result is a significant improvement in system performance and convenience, combined with a reduction in cost."
"Because each element of an audio circuit introduces its own sonic colorations, a simple circuit should be expected to yield superior musical performance. At conrad-johnson, we have maintained a commitment to designing simple, straight forward circuits for audio components. The CAV50 elevates this design philosophy from the circuit level to the system level by eliminating the preamplifier altogether and incorporating the control functions on the amplifier chassis, hence the term "control amplifier". This approach completely eliminates the inherent colorations of the active circuitry embodied in a preamplifier stage, and of the cabling between preamp and amp. The result is a significant improvement in system performance and convenience, combined with a reduction in cost."