I want to thank Carmenc, Hifiman, and Erik for responding. I know capacitors have vastly improved since the first PV12, and that's why I'm looking into these modifications. I have a schematic of the PV12, and it looks like the diodes could stand an upgrade as well since there are some faster diodes; Shotsky or something like that is the name, that are used by Musical Design.
"Musical Design"; is close to me, and they do a lot of mods. If they are still in business I'll give them a ring. I plan to rebuild the PV12 if I ever get one. It's incredible how much improvement you can get if you're a technician, and can do good soldering work. The biggest problem I've ran into is finding room for those huge new caps, that I use to replace the electrolytic capacitors.
Once you find an old amp with a good design, it's simply a matter of finding enough room for new parts.
Enjoy the music.