Considering a POSSIBLE replacement for speakers. Opinions?

Upfront, this isn't for Home Theater, just two floor standing speakers and a separate subwoofer. So there is full disclosure. The speakers I am considering replacing are 2008 Monitor Audio Silver RS8's.

Sadly, unlike the Neolithic Era of high end audio, it can be very hard to find a brick and mortar store to visit, listen and compare individual components. That's the way it was done waaay back in the day
 Now, comparisons seem easiest to get by asking questions like this and finding a consensus. So, if you were looking to replace 12 year old speakers that are highly regarded for their day, what are some brands you'd consider without losing your mind and deciding you need $4,000 speakers? And thanks as always.

AXPONA in chicago is a go this fall! You could hear lots of speakers in 1-3 days time.
Moving up Monitor Audio’s lines is a great idea. IF you knew you liked something you could wait and watch the used classified advertisements.
You are definitely, as is noted above, in a tremendous sweet spot for sound and build quality at you budget.
One recommendation: Enjoy the process! I wish I was researching stuff in that range. So much fun!
As mschott astutely pointed out, this has a lot to do with your amplification source and other components in your chain. Actual critical listening sessions under controlled conditions is always best. However, I empathize completely with how much more difficult that is to do these days! As such, I would recommend you speak or communicate with as many trusted & knowledgeable audiophiles as possible to get a better perspective on what might appeal to you and work best in your home and with your components. These are some on-line sellers whose guidance I’ve found relatively trustworthy over the years: Music Direct; Crutchfield; Audio Advice; Audio Advisor; World Wide Stereo. Of course, all of them will try to steer you in the direction of the products they sell, which is understandable.  All the more reason to speak or communicate with as may sources as possible to get a better perspective. You might also want to consider posting this question on other sites like Stereophile; Soundstage Hi-Fi; etc. Sometimes, you can even email professional reviewers for guidance, as well. Good Luck!
FWIW, Listing your system in your profile is helpful for just such occasions where recommendations are sought. Based on my experience, I think that high powered amps are not necessarily a good match for efficient speakers. But I don't know what amp you are using so its a shot in the dark to recommend anything like Tekton that is high efficiency speakers but have a large following. Stay with MA if you like the sound you have now, and want to keep that sound. 

   Again, please let us know your budget range, your specific other system components, the types of music you listen to, normal listening volume and room size. You've been asked directly and indirectly for this type of info several times in posts above without responding.

     You're the one who requested assistance.  We sometimes need more info to best advise you.  Besides man, it's just plain rude to ignore people trying to help you out.

Hi, and thank everyone for their responses so far. I should have set aside time to make a proper post rather than ask a simple question...because we all know there are no simple questions when it comes to audiophile questions, right?

First, artemus_5 is right. I had thought I'd listed my current system in my profile but apparently not or it got lost. Get ready, it's a mismatch of equipment that still sounds beautiful.

Source: OPPO BDP-105 ( not the audiophile version )

Preamp: 1993 B&K Sonata Pro-10 MC ( totally refurbished 4 years ago ) 

Amplifier: a matching 1993 B&K Sonata ST-202+  ( the rare kind, totally refurbished this year )

Speakers: 2008 Monitor Audio Silver RS8

This last part eliminates a lot of suggestions so forgive me for not mentioning them.

Subwoofer: 2 Sunfire SDS-12 subwoofers. Two of them.

I listen mostly to prog rock from the UK and US along with Zeppelin...70's stuff, and moving forward all types of EDM from Marshall Jefferson to Orbital to Underworld, Daft Punk, etc. More rarely I do listen to large classical orchestra pieces like Beethoven's 9th.

Clearly, I can have a block party with this system if I need. It's been quite some time since I changed or added anything know how it is. My speakers are 12 years old now and that itch is back. But maybe it's just an itch I don't really need to scratch. The B&K stuff cannot be replaced by anything reasonably priced that equal their abilities so about all I can do is upgrade the speakers. Call my budget for that around $2,500-$3,000.

So, can I get a better sound by upgrading the speakers in that price range? Thanks Everyone!