Considering a POSSIBLE replacement for speakers. Opinions?

Upfront, this isn't for Home Theater, just two floor standing speakers and a separate subwoofer. So there is full disclosure. The speakers I am considering replacing are 2008 Monitor Audio Silver RS8's.

Sadly, unlike the Neolithic Era of high end audio, it can be very hard to find a brick and mortar store to visit, listen and compare individual components. That's the way it was done waaay back in the day
 Now, comparisons seem easiest to get by asking questions like this and finding a consensus. So, if you were looking to replace 12 year old speakers that are highly regarded for their day, what are some brands you'd consider without losing your mind and deciding you need $4,000 speakers? And thanks as always.


johnny - curious to hear your take on how the vandy 2ce sig 3 (what a word salad!) compares to the vandy 3a sig, one step up richard's line...

I am a big fan of the Harbeth sounds and would recommend a set of C7ES3.  They will sound more natural, more refined, have better vocal imaging and presence, better instrument recognition and a larger sound stage than any of the MA Silver series.  
@noble101: Tim, give Danny Richie---the designer of the OB Sub---a call at GR Research. He is a very nice guy, and will be happy to advise you on adding the sub to your system.

Danny is one of the true experts in the world on the subject of OB speaker/sub design. Also check out the GR Research Forum on AudioCircle, which has a number of threads dedicated specifically to the OB Sub. 
Since you are investing a significant amount of money, why not consider a trip? Are you a 4 hour drive from a city? That’s a day trip. Call up in advance, make appointment. Know what they carry, read reviews in advance. Have a play list. Live further? Overnight trip. Take your time.

I really do not recommend acting on a consensus here. Your tastes are probably unique, and the performance of speakers are highly system dependent. A good audio dealer should be able take into account your system, tastes and help guide you. Find out the store owner or manager in advance, make the appointment with him. You want a seasoned professional, not some summer hired kid.