Contact Cleaner

Time to remove the oxidation and crud from my interconnects/speaker cables/terminals. Any favorite brands out there? Or can I same myself some bucks by buying generic without the added expense of pricey 'designer labels'?
polysaturation is the same as hydrogentating, i think. it's a process where you heat up a chemical, usually fat, and you inject hydrogen into the mix. the hydrogen then bonds with the fat cell to fill the valance shells. i think that is how it goes anyways. high school was many moons ago.

so CAIG doesn't remove oxidation very well. but does that thing improve the sound of your system better than any other stuff in the market? i just bought a bottle of isoprophyl alcohol to clean the contacts today. I am sure i spelled it wrong.
V: Isopropyl, used undiluted, may clean away the gold plating as well as the muck. Take care! Cheers.
In response to the questions about shark liver oil, supposedly the Japanese are the masters at making the version that works for audio. The tests I have conducted show no signs of mucking up or changing consistency over time. Eventually all audio connections oxidize and the Caig , shark liver oil, Cramalin or whatever must be removed, the connector cleaned and begin all over again.

As for performance, the Deoxit cleaner is great, but I still have not decided between the Caig gold and the shark liver oil as a preservative to slow down the oxidation process. They both have a sound compared to no preservative, and it seems to vary depending on the connection. The connection at a phono stage for instance is always better with shark oil, and speakers are always better with Caig gold. Every other connection seems to be a roll of the dice.