Contact info for Galibier

Can anyone supply me with the e-mail address and/or phone number for Galibier Design? I have questions for them. Neither their address nor their phone number is available from their website, so please don't bother to quote the URL. From the URL, when I click on the e-mail icon my computer automatically goes to a disconnected e-mail service related to my work; I can't figure out how to change that, so I am unable to contact them. Thanks for any help.
From the URL, when I click on the e-mail icon my computer automatically goes to a disconnected e-mail service related to my work; I can't figure out how to change that, so I am unable to contact them.

Clink on "Tools", Internet Options, Programs, then look under E-mail and choose another mail service which you can use.
Thom can be reached at

Don't be surprised if it takes him a day or two to respond. He's been studying hard lately for a career development program.
Yes, that would indeed be me, Lewm.

Unfortunately, due to the spam-bots, I had to remove the text from under the e-mail link icon, but Dan (thanks) got the address right.

I am a bit behind in my communications over the past couple of days, so I'd appreciate it if we could "time shift" using the miracle of e-mail for the next couple of weeks.

Thom @ Galibier