Copper v. Silver IC sound

I think most would agree that there is a trend for copper IC's to give a fuller midrange at the expense of some transparency, and for silver to give a pure extended top end while sounding a bit lean elsewhere. Some people will "mix" their IC's, say, using silver from source to preamp, then copper from preamp to amp. My question is: In this example, could one "lose" the warmer midrange in the first silver run, such that it could not be "recovered" in the second copper run? Conversely, could an initial copper run "reduce" the highest frequencies, such that they would not be "available" to the silver cable during the second run?
Or, are all the frequencies always carried along equally by most silver/copper IC's, with the final "presentation" of mids versus highs determined by the last cable in the system? Obviously I need to just try the experiment, but I don't have all the cables on hand, and I'd like to hear the experience and opinion of others. Thanks.
Jallen brings up a good point about the difference in the type of conductor used, not only the material used. I agree that stranded and solid sound QUITE different using identical geometries and dielectrics. Changing the gauge of conductors using identical geometries and dielectrics also changes the sound. Lighter gauges will sound quicker and leaner and vice-versa.

There are SO many variables that picking the "right" cables can be quite tough. That is how i got into building cables and doing comparisons. You can build cables to your own specs in terms of grade and materials, geometrical designs, lengths, etc... and see what factors contribute to the sonics that you are looking for.

Where's Bob Crump when you need him.... : ) Sean
Wow- thanks for the info. and opinions everyone. But no need to end this thread's very interesting... keep your responses coming! I had a question for Djgj regarding the Harmonic Tech Magic IC's, where the strategy is mixing copper and silver wires within the same cable: How do they compare to the ProSilwayII, which uses the same philosophy? I personally found the SilwayII's a bit lean in the midrange, as if the silver component was dominanting over the classical warm copper sound.
Ral, the differences you have found between silver and copper ICs tend to blur once both are treated to a month long treatment on a MOBIE which runs a 1K 15v square wave through the ICs into a 5K load.....I have done comparisons of solid core silver and solid core copper in the same gauge with copper having a polyurethane coating and silver having a teflon extrusion over it. Same geometry, connectors, solder etc....Silver was four nines purity and copper was better than six nines as it was continuous cast copper.......Sonic differences? The bulk of the difference was in the lower mids/upper bass which had the copper allowing more mud through sweetening up the sound throughout....I found the silver more to my liking used with analog and the copper allowed the digital to sound less "busy" than the silver.....We are talking really slight differences here, but without the treatment on the MOBIE the silver could take the wallpaper off the walls in the upper mid/highs and was really thin in the lower mids/upper bass in comparison to the copper.....Bottom line is that copper will break in pretty well within the voltages and currents in a hifi system and not change much as respects frequency balance, but silver will not and that is the horror of silver......

Bob Crump
TG Audio/CTC Builders/DDR Mfg
This comparison has several problems with it. The two coatings/insulation are different. I prefer copper that has a enamel coating then teflon used as the dielectric. Silver I find is best used with polyethylene not teflon. Perhaps the best comparison would be silver with teflon and PE, and copper with the two same. Take the best of the two and compare them. And lets not forget the type of solder used. I prefer lead free WBT 4% silver. Jeff
Jallen, sorry you had problems with my methods, but this is as close as I could get given what I had available to me.....Incidentally, polyurethane is enamel and no additional dielectric is necessary as this is commonly referred to as "magnet" wire.....Also, I normally put sandwiches not wire in polyethylene and perhaps you mean heatshrink AKA polyolefin?