Ral, the differences you have found between silver and copper ICs tend to blur once both are treated to a month long treatment on a MOBIE which runs a 1K 15v square wave through the ICs into a 5K load.....I have done comparisons of solid core silver and solid core copper in the same gauge with copper having a polyurethane coating and silver having a teflon extrusion over it. Same geometry, connectors, solder etc....Silver was four nines purity and copper was better than six nines as it was continuous cast copper.......Sonic differences? The bulk of the difference was in the lower mids/upper bass which had the copper allowing more mud through sweetening up the sound throughout....I found the silver more to my liking used with analog and the copper allowed the digital to sound less "busy" than the silver.....We are talking really slight differences here, but without the treatment on the MOBIE the silver could take the wallpaper off the walls in the upper mid/highs and was really thin in the lower mids/upper bass in comparison to the copper.....Bottom line is that copper will break in pretty well within the voltages and currents in a hifi system and not change much as respects frequency balance, but silver will not and that is the horror of silver......
Bob Crump
TG Audio/CTC Builders/DDR Mfg
Bob Crump
TG Audio/CTC Builders/DDR Mfg