Correct Phono Preamp Gain Setting

I have a Blue Circle Audio phono preamp with fixed gain settings of 58 and 71db. My cartridge is an Ortofon Cadenza Red with an output voltage of .45uv.
The KAB parameters chart indicates the setting should be in the low to mid-fifties. However, the setting at 58db and specifically the volume is too low. It sounds great, but is anemic, has no punch, and is not loud enough for my listening. On the other hand, the setting at 71db provides more than adequate volume without distortion. Unfortunately, I cannot do a direct A/B comparison to gauge quality differences. Are my ears deceiving me at 71db or do I need to set at the lower gain and purchase an SUT?

Showing 1 response by czarivey

at 58db you get larger dynamic headroom. at 71db you compress signal lots.
i have to turn volume '3 hours later' vs. digital playback. as previous posters mentioned, it's normal.