I for many years have been very very socially active in relation to my interest in audio. My times as a exhibitor to the general public/ audio enthusiasts has created an experience where my exhibiting space has been endlessly full for the duration of the event.
With this today as being one fundamental attached to my Hobby, I end up travelling a lot with equipment.
Certain equipment especially the Valve Based design are very fragile, or in the case of the owned Power Amp's (Stupidly Heavy), for managing at my age and being with arthritic ailments.
In the past five years, I have been slowly learning about audio equipment, that is extremely impressive to my preferences, non-Valve and much lighter in weight.
In any of the Amp's I have referred to in this Thread, I have found all that I require, when I retire the Valve Amp's.
Additionally my research has also assisted with my discovery of a system, except speakers that can be transported in a Wheeled Suitcase. This is quite something for somebody who really does like to go all in with their support offered for arranged social events in relation to Audio and Audio Enthusiasts.
I have no doubts if I were to change direction and utilise alternate Power Amplification, my exhibiting a system publicly, will still create as much interest as has the other times experienced.
Note: There are routes into exceptional quality Power Amp's capable to stand toe to toe with respected Brands. The cost associated with getting to this place is not too much.
If a Manufacturer of a Amp, had the BOM of the Amp's being referred to, there is no real way of knowing the final costing to be the RRP. Certain Brands with a larger profile in the market, are possibly gong to add 10 - 20 x in uplift costing, as a reasonable conjecture.
I have it on good authority the Company in the Link to follow, offer a very high quality Class D Power Amp at reasonable monies. This is an Amp' I have recently been demo's for quite a few hours as a debut listen.