Mahgister, your audio posts were always ponderous but well meaning. Your vaccine posts are equally ponderous but now you are dangerous and serve only to promote self importance and mitigate your insecurity. Have you had a talk with your primary physician?Someone already answered better than me to the first part of your post what i would have been answered...
But i cannot let unanswered your acusation....
15 months ago HERE i had an intense discussion here where the same accusation against me of killing people was claimed because i spoke about Didier Raoult and his hydroxychloroquine for low cost treatment...And i spoke about Dr Zelenko treatment inspired by Raoult... The debate was absolutely politicized in US and my opponont here defended the now proved poison remdesivir treatment and the injonction to wait till intubation and vaccines to comes because they are supposedly no treatments...The climate of fear was astonishing...And artificially entertained...
You perhaps know about remdesivir and faulty diagnostic about ventilators use ? If not read....
Then who was killing people by advice? Not me by repeating the instruction of 2 doctors who were treating already thousands and thousands of people successfully....Without falling in the fear...
I dont give a dam about my importance here, i am retired and needing friends i had some here tough... I discuss the audio subjects and others one with all here thats all...
Then keep your false accusations of killing by untruths in your pocket...Serve them for yourself with your MASS VACCINATION MANDATES...
And if you read my posts you surely have noted that i think a rational vaccination politic implicate always treatments, and the right for ANY doctors to do so FREELY without any interfering corporate or political or TECHNOCRATIC power between the patient and the doctors... Treatments and vacccines must be chosen in relation between the needs and the different age of these different groups... Vaccination and treatments are the TWO NECESSARY TOOLS for answering to these different groups... Is it clear?
It is not lesson i take out of my pocket, i give reference to top epidemiologists for the sake of rational discussions between free citizens...Like Gert van den Bossche and Nobel Luc Montagnier one of the first to alert the world about fear and liers...
i am against stupidity not vaccination.... I am against the crime perpetrated by MANDATED MASS VACCINATION .... I want rational and informed vaccination with a benefits/risk analysis versus protocol low cost treatments tools ...
Read my posts before accusing me ....
Fauci kill people, Raoult in France and Mccullough in the States or Dr Kory or Dr Zelenko did not....
I apologize for my "ponderous " posts.... I never spoke english in my life and never read Shakespeare in english... I have read only english in badly redacted english science prose and heavy philosophy books with their limited abstracted lexicon all my life.... Then my english is heavy, limited and ponderous....Quebec is a french speaking city mainly and one the last "big" one....