Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
@jond   Thank you for a breath--a gust--of fresh air in this often stifling thread.  It's reaffirming to discover there are some level-headed people out there.
The spike protein is toxic and dont stay in the arm....

Nobody knows the long term effect of this new technology which is not what we called a vaccines in the past...

You seems to know that this technology is safe BEFORE any long term experiments...Are you God or Dr.Fauci? I prefer to listen to Dr. Robert malone cautiousness who is against forceful mass vaccination...He created this technology and guess what? Perhaps he knows better than your conformist and preaching rant behing corporate interests...

The truth is nobody KNOWS....Save God....

No, science advanced to the point where we can readily synthesize proteins and macromolecules to use as an antigens. We no longer need to risk patients lives by using attenuated viruses.
Science new drugs are in no way able to replace the illimited numbers of new molecules in nature....

My point all along has never been political , i live in quebec not US...And in quebec also forced vaccination is the insane "politic"...I cannot buy ivermectin here also nor look for a doctor able to prescribe me a treatment because they are ALL in fear to loose their permit to works... Do you know that?

My point is the FORCEFUL MANDATE TO MASS VACCINATION is stupid and irrational....Especially when treatment exist for most of us which are not in the risks groups : young people and people under 70, or those with an healthy immune system...

Treatments were censored....This is a FACT....

Then promoting mass vaccination like you did is unqualified irrationality or programmed politically...

The only rational solutions are using vaxx for at risk people and low cost treatments for the others...

Using fears and force and pressure to use ONLY vaxx is CRIMINAL and pure stupidity....

Your discourse about the " all powerful" new science cannot replace reason and common sense...

You can mimic reason with untruth like vaxx are safe , but you cannot replace it...We dont know yet if these vaxx are safe sorry....

Then in a pandemy we must use these vaxx with cautions for the  groups at  risk, never ever MASSIVELY....Treatments exist why erasing them ? 

Between you and me the politically driven one is you.... Trump boast to have created these vaxx and Biden force everyone to be jab.... The 2 are complete lunatics....
I am going to say this for the last time, and then gonna take my leave. The study I presented is a statistical analysis of publicly available and verifiable data. The researchers took data put out by world Governments, and the CDC, and plotted it on a graph.
It is not some esoteric experiment that the lay person cannot repeat, or a controlled study where the parameters or control groups can be manipulated.
It is PUBLICLY AVAILABLE VERIFIABLE DATA, that you can gather on your own, that is coming straight from the authorities themselves.

This study is not open to interpretation, so unless you are saying that these numbers are fraudulent, this "IS" the correlation between vaccine uptake and...Deaths, Cases and Hospitalizations. All have gone up in places with higher vaccine uptake, tooooo many data points are present to be skewed by individual or regional irregularities.

The truth is nobody KNOWS....Save God....

She isn't weighing in on this topic unfortunately, but she is rather focused on the outcomes of this weekend's college football games. Based on the interviews of the coaches and players leading in to the contests anyway. So, at least we have that right?