Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
@mahgister Way to go in keeping a civil level of discourse!

How do you spell h,y,p,o,c,r,i,s,y?
I can recognize to be too passion driven and i could retire the word "stupid"...You are right about that.... I am even glad to say that you are right...Anyway my post have been deleted and i approve it...

But for the " hypocrisy" you eat the same meal than me what you criticize me for...You put "aluminium tin hat " on the head you chose for very easily in the past....
I also think the data should be analyzed as well with the subsets of individuals who utilized "thoughts and prayers being with them" vs those utilizing prayer only. Additionally, the effects of the seance have not been released to the public on its efficacy as a treatment by those who have unfortunately contracted Covid vs other proven treatments with the same "thoughts and prayers" modifiers.
Sarcasm dont replace reason...But thanks it was a good post to read...
Sigh, treatments that were as you say censored, hydrochloroquine and imervectin do nothing to fight Coivd and have dangerous side effects.
This is false statements so easy to debunk that i will not say anything else....

These 2 drugs are the most prescribed in the world and all their toxic adverse effects are TOTALLY known and are among the least that ever exist among all drugs...Very easy to verify....

Propaganda is not reason...

You are correct, sarcasm doesn't replace reason. As you and I have cordially shared, I am merely pointing out through sarcasm that you/me/our fellow audio brethren are unlikely to change their minds, regardless of which side of the issue they happen to represent.

I respect your right to decide for you without the need or right to know why or to understand why. Peace.
@mahgister Leave it be... these people are  well past the point of talking to, They have taken the vaccines themselves, and no matter  what new information comes out, they  will not change their minds unless they experience these side effects for themselves. 
winter is coming, it's best to take this time to prepare yourself and your family for the chaos that is now inevitable. 
Prepare....Stock foods, provisions, ammo, whatever else you think you might need. 
Arguing on comment boards at this point is a fool's errand. 
Take care of yourself, and your loved ones. 