Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
@cd318, considering your last post was directed towards me, I'll respond.

I'm not typically one to open any of these links thrown around but for you I've made an exception. And I appreciate.

This is what has puzzled me the most.....I'm repeating myself, but how can a middle aged man go through what I've gone, (not vaccinated) and so FAR still fly my flag... Can I really be that lucky, (because gambling is not necessary my expertise) I think not.

All I pray is that I never spread the virus to ANYONE while being infected. I surely did NOT infect my family.....asymptomatic???

It is simple:

Massive constrainted and forced vaccination are contrary to ethics and to medecine...

Using only massive vaccinations with an airborne mutating virus is irrational especially when some "power" censor all proved treatment by experimented doctors from the beginning :
campaing of lies about 2 of the less toxic drugs on the planet already used billions ,yes billions, of times....

Then think about the UNKNOWN long term consequences of this UNKNOWN Jab used in a false proclaimed urgency , because the WHO and Dr. Fauci falsely claimed that there exist NO TREATMENT, which was false from the beginning thanks to DR. Raoult and Zelenko here....

Then what is rational behaviour in any pandemic journey with an airborne easily mutating virus?
Vaccinations of the at risk groups + preventive and curative EARLY treatment for the others....

This is my conclusion....After reading for months all doctors who TREAT patient by their own admission and with succeess...Not the health bureaucrats in power and their minions...

Listen to Fauci at your own " peril "....
Some years ago Gates talked about the need to reduce the Population. D. Rockefeller in a secret meeting said they WERE going to reduce the population. Thier plan is underway. This need's to be said, sorry.
Some years ago Gates talked about the need to reduce the Population. D. Rockefeller in a secret meeting said they WERE going to reduce the population. Thier plan is underway. This need’s to be said, sorry.
Stick to the facts not to alleged intention...

People will think with some reason that you are nut...Dont give them munitions please...

My last post deal ONLY with facts not intention hidden or alleged unproven one...

What do you want?

Take people in a fantasy possible conspiracy or unreal one?

There is a REAL one EVIDENT conspiracy : concealling the value of proven low cost treatments in the midst of a crisis worlwide...HQC and Ivermectin....All the facts are there to be seen by everybody....

( i will not speak about "gain of function research" almost proven by now and the artificial orgini , because these facts are not OFFICIALLY PROVEN)

Lying about ivermectin and HQC is evidence casted in stones...It is only that a crime against humanity....

Then stay mute about allegations and speak about facts....

When history will come better judges than us will set the table of judgment....

I apologize for my post if it seems rude but....

My best to you....