Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
And Q has entered the building apparently, there is not Graphene Oxide in Covid vaccines that is a made up right wing fantasy. There is also no Rockefeller conspiracy, Bill Gates did not put microchips in the vaccines either. Burying us in reams of BS isn't impressive it's still just BS and lies or unrelated facts stitched together to make up conspiracies, enough already.
@arch2 I used to believe in silver cables with tubes but over the years I've migrated to almost all copper. Like @ghasley I use Auditorium23 interconnects, and also Kondo copper interconnects, my speaker cables are AN Lexus copper. My digital cable by Jorma is silver but it has a natural organic warmth to it that would fool anyone.
@jond ( Recent progress of graphene oxide as a potential vaccine carrier and adjuvant)
Efficient mRNA delivery with graphene oxide-polyethylenimine for generation of footprint-free human induced pluripotent stem cells.

Here, we report an mRNA delivery system employing graphene oxide (GO)-polyethylenimine (PEI) complexes for the efficient generation of "footprint-free" iPSCs. GO-PEI complexes were found to be very effective for loading mRNA of reprogramming transcription factors and protection from mRNA degradation by RNase

You don’t know anything, maybe you should listen more, and talk less.
Graphene Oxide is an MRNA vaccine delivery molecule, used in all sorts of applications.
Ask Pfizer. That is your master now, you have no choice... if Master says 3 boosters, you get in line. If Master says 8, you’d better roll up them sleeves no questions asked. Pfizer knows all. It is omnipotent.

It certainly looks like that.

Perhaps it’s high time that we began to question just who is in charge these days?
At times, it certainly doesn’t appear to be our elected (installed?) representatives.

"All I pray is that I never spread the virus to ANYONE while being infected. I surely did NOT infect my family.....asymptomatic???"

I’m sure, that like the rest of us here, you would not knowingly risk spreading germs, particularly amongst the more unfortunate individuals with severely compromised immune systems.

Come to think of it, I can’t remember seeing anyone walking around with obvious flu/Covid symptoms.

Of course our apparently bumptious Prime Minister did rather casually stroll around a hospital ward shaking hands with severely infected patients, but luckily for him, his case wasn’t too severe.

[One year ago today: Boris boasts about shaking hands with Covid patients -]

However, the world of bacteria, germs and diseases is a strange one.
Unfortunately it would appear that as we age we become less and less human and more and more a host for bacteria.

Each and every one of us is host to countless germs and bacteria who are also seeking to live and multiply. A successful infection is not one that wants to kill it’s host.

It merely sees as it as a form of terrain.

This is why influenza has been particularly successful. It feeds on us but rarely kills but remains highly infectious.

The apparent disappearance of global influenza during much of 2020 was one of the reasons I began to question the entire Covid narrative in the first place.

@isochronism ,

We have two different camps.Mainstream media/tech (who censor any opposing view) and Alternate journalists and experts (who’ve been sensored. Which side has the possible agenda/profit? I got rid of Television in 2006. I have instead been study and researching (informally) more and more since then. At a point you find everything is connected and the truth all becomes perfectly clear.

Very similar to my experience too.I can’t even remember the last time I used to regularly watch television.

Maybe The Big Bang Theory or Frazier!

Hardly any TV since.