Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Australia Releases Tracker App That Requires Response Within 15 Minutes Before Authorities Arrive

This is the Australia of Steve Irwin......Crocodile Dundeee' mate. 
Which leaves you folks with individual choice to not take vaccine. No one is denying you this choice, you only have to pay the cost of losing some level of privilege.
Your post make no sense...

The vaccination decision is an act of freedom...

Which means NO employers or state or President can FORCE people to take this choice at the cost of their job if not...

The medical and legal reason are simple: the massive vaccination DECIDED by authorities is not a scientific decision but a political one...

You dont seem to understand elementary epidemiology at all...

An airborne mutating virus like sars-2 is NOT a polio virus for example...We need vaxx for at risk people and treatment for the majority of healthy people, like in another airborne mutating virus the "flu"...

This is reason...And elementary epidemiology fact ...

Forbidding all low cost treatments and promoting MASS vaccination is a crime....
"Which leaves you folks with individual choice to not take vaccine. No one is denying you this choice, you only have to pay the cost of losing some level of privilege."

They are not "Privileges" They are basic Human Rights.
You people are monsters.

Like Seriously...
You people are monsters.
They have blinders like working horses or sheeps lead by fear....They are not monsters....The monsters lead corporations ....
This is not ignorance..... They believe this in their heart of hearts.
They really really believe it. Yes, the TV is shaping their Worldview, I would not argue that... but they have bought this way of thinking hook line and sinker.
Taking a living away from a man is akin to killing him, and they make these proclamations so callously.
One of my friends, has a 1.5 year old daughter, has a wife 7 months pregnant, he recently got fired from his job at his accounting firm. Do what we tell you, or you and your family starve to death. ( He will land on his feet/ how many others won’t ?)
They really believe this...... what else will they not be willing to do, if the TV tells them it is okay?