Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
The vaccine, if you can even call it that, theoretically puts pressure on the virus, and forces it to mutate. Hence the Delta Variant.
Much like antibiotics do to strains of bacteria and make them resistant.
This is by all accounts a leaky vaccine, it does not sterilize the virus, does not stop transmission, and after a 2 month time period, drops in efficacy as well. (that is if you even trust the numbers being put out,  which I don't)

In all the previous animal testing with MRNA vaccines, animals showed robust antibody response, but after a few months suffered severe reactions to the wild virus after it was introduced to them. The vaccine caused an Anti Body Dependent Enhancement, the vaccine instead of strengthening the immune system did the complete opposite.
ALL THE ANIMALS IN THE TESTING DIED. The vaccine turned off their anti inflammatory macrophage 2 response.
This is not a conspiracy theory....THIS IS PUBLISHED RESEARCH.

And this is what all the doctors, including Dr Robert Malone , Dr. McCullough, Dr Luc Montagnier and tens of thousands of other Doctors are saying.

The side effects of the vaccine are induced in the short term, and the Long term......Variants being one of those side effects. .

40% of wild deer have coronavirus antibodies: study

This pandemic had ended in January, we all have antibodies for this thing, everyone has been exposed. The vaccines have, however, created a situation where this next wave will be by far the most destructive one, and it by all accounts has already started.

And yes, I’ll keep my life over fitting in at the office, any day, all day. Not that I  worked at an office... but yeah. I'll stick to my convictions over going along to get along. I am not built like a drone...

Thanks again to mahgister and yuviarora for this most valuable of all links ever posted on this site, the MD McCullough video not only for being the single most comprehensive source of information on the subject but for leading me to this Guide to Home Based Covid Treatment which I somehow never found before!

One of the many good points he raises is every time the subject comes up we need to be saying the vaccines are unsafe and in fact even more harmful than the virus. I knew they were unsafe, but not that they are more deadly. Did not know they work by making your body manufacture a deadly protein.

This is not anti-vaxx. This is just the facts of these particular vaccines.

Everyone here should be thanking you guys for bringing this to our attention. Thanks again!

People with a PhDs are the most hesitant when it comes to getting the Covid-19 vaccine, according to a paper by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh.

@millercarbon    yeah that video is a doozey, very hard to refute.