Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
rixthetrick, you just had to go there…..
I’ve been a long time Tobacco dip user. 
As I said earlier up the ladder, I roll the dice. I do however drink plenty of water, brush and rinse more often than most. 
Oh, I’ll come up with any justification to do as I please ;-) 

millercarbon was recently corrected (by a doctor in this thread?) in regards to mRNA not entering the nucleus of the human cells affecting the human genome.

I am watching a video by a research doctor who’s explaining that mRNA goes through a process called Retro Integration, whereby the mRNA is coverted into DNA (reverse transcriptor) which then the genome coalesse with each other. According to this video, millcarbon was correct though perhaps not directly, the mRNA does in fact combine with the nucleus, after retro integration through reverse transcription. As far as I understand it.

Well what do you know, it takes a deeper more comprehensive understanding to figure out I knew what I was talking about in the first place. Go figure.

Passing strange the way they lump all vaccines into one, as if they are all the same- but then if you try and simplify or generalize they are all over you.

It is all kind of a waste in time, in the sense the people throwing these kinds of attacks are only pretending to care about truth and understanding. So nice you bothered to let us know that you found out I was right after all. But then anyone interested would have figured this out by now anyway. It is all covered very clearly on one slide in the lecture linked here half a dozen times now.

Everyone should watch this. At least two or three times. Then download and study the slides. There is a link, you can download the slides for a clearer more high res look. Or you can skip to about 5:20 on the video where he shows this very mRNA manufacturing the deadly spike protein inside the cell process we are talking about.

Just as audiophiles love to get bogged down in details to where they lose sight of the big picture, people can easily get bogged down in this to where they lose sight of the big picture. Which is, regardless of which vaccine or how it works, the end result is to make a deadly spike protein.

Deadly. I think that is kind of important. He does too. Says it three times. Deadly spike protein. This is just the cold hard fact of the matter.

But - facts - is kind of like this yuviarora links the actual SCOTUS opinion, as unimpeachable as you can get- to everyone but Marxist ideologues who as I’ve said follow an ideology of power not truth.

Dang this yuviarora dude is on a roll. And he knows his caps too. Welcome, buddy!    

---And we got to have the last word too! Awesome!!!