Cremona M worth it?

This thread has been banned for I don't know why!!!
Reason for my thread is that I want to own a pair myself and I want owners of these speakers to tell us how good they are. I will be replacing Thiels 3.6 with them. I have CJ Premier 350 power. Thanks.

Showing 4 responses by luna

Hi Dbarger, I have listened to them and found the vocals quite detailed and nice, but not as romantic as the old version. Could you explain what unnatural does it seems to you?
I have the REL Storm for movies.
There is a pair of Cremona M demo offered almost the same price as the auditors so I am tempted!
It seems they need a lot of power to bring out their bass as I have heard them with new CJ250 and not too impress.
Owner of Cremona M please tell me if you have success driving them.
Thanks Hulskof for your very useful viewpoints. What you have said is also my worries, I am not sure paying so much more for the change over is justified as there are still things the Thiels can do better. I am thinking of using the money to buy an older or smaller model like the Auditors and use as a 2nd speaker would gain more than a direct replacement.