Croft, NFD or Lavardin for Harbeth M40.1

Hi Looking for any input on these 3 brand of gear. ( will power the M40.1 )

1. Croft Micro 25RS + 7R monoblocks

2. NFD ( Should I go with separates or Just NCSE MKII or I ) ?

3. Lavardin IT - I have a chance to buy demo

I never heard of these gear in my home and unfortunately these dealers not around my area.

Any input would be greatly appreciate it.

My room is about 15 ft x 24ft and I usually use the tube amp however my pre amplifier were sold and I was use the NAD 320 bee Int amp as temporaly solution but I found they sounds superior compare to my megabucks tube amp . ( Shocked )
"My room is about 15 ft x 24ft and I usually use the tube amp however my pre amplifier were sold and I was use the NAD 320 bee Int amp as temporaly solution but I found they sounds superior compare to my megabucks tube amp . ( Shocked ) "

You're lucky. This usually happens the other way around; after you spend a lot of money. The more money you spend, the easier it is to make a mistake. My advice would be to not buy anything until you've had a chance to do a thorough evaluation. Besides, you've already have a nice upgrade with the NAD.
I have used Croft kit for years. I would get the 25R and save the money over the RS for a set of NOS Telefunkens which wikl beat a stock RS. The Croft has a great phono stage. I have not heard the 7 mono blocks but they have received rave reviews.
The OP just got rid of some expensive tube gear that didn't outperform his low cost integrated amp. Why recommend a product similar to the one that just failed him?