The rest of the system is Pass Labs XP-30 preamp XP-25 phono amp TTW Momentus copper platter turntable with Graham Phantom II Supreme tonearm and Ortofon Anna cartridge PS Audio DSD transport and DAC Bryston BDP-2 and Technics RS1500 reel to reel. Cables are High Fidelity Cables. Puritan Labs 156 power conditioner and Ground System.
Last night I played some tapes and they sounded just amazing with this amp and speaker combination. The highlight of the night was when I played a copy of the Beatles Abbey Road reel to reel. I purchased this copy from a recording engineer who had passed away some years ago. He worked all over the record industry so I have no idea what the source for this tape was. All I can say is that I have been listening to this album for over 50 yrs, I have owned almost every pressing of this album and last night I experienced something like never before. The deep solid bass, the separation of the instruments, the width and depth of the soundstage, the air around the recording just spectacular. I felt that I could get up from my listening chair, walk up and stand in front of each band member, it was like they were in the room with me. Whenever friends and family want me to show off my system, I am going right for the Abbey Road tape.