Hi Charles, @gavin1977 statement referred specifically to the F10 Select driver which is used in the Jazzon. The Nenuphar uses the F10 Neo driver, which has a quite different magnet assembly.
Could be that he intended the comment toward both drivers. Having owned Nenuphars for over a year and experienced the break-in and associated system-optimization learning curve, I can see where someone new to these crossover-less full-range speakers could form this impression IF the drivers are not fully broken-in OR IF the accompanying system is not sorted OR IF the toe-in is incorrect.
These speakers provide little cushion for mismatched components (especially regarding amplifiers), suboptimal setup, etc, and they produce tremendous energy across the frequency spectrum (no crossover to dumb down the dynamics of the incoming signal through parasitic loss), so ancillary components with a hot upper midrange can be problematic. However, getting these things sorted delivers a sound that is so fundamentally right that, for me, it is nigh impossible to imagine returning to standard multi-driver “crossover-ed” speakers.