Curious .. What is the compared price of your tt vs spkrs

Ok people im curious  
what is the price range of you entire analogue set up vs your spkr s with cables .. I often wonder what a guys table set up is when he is running a set of wilsons , or the 25k tt guy ..
my tt setup is about 75-80%  of my spkrs with cable , but i have a sub I occasionally use lol add another $$ so with that probly 60 -70% 
Spending as much on a cartridge as on speakers would not be my approach, that's for sure.
Anyway, room first is the best approach, I guess. And the most expensive one.
14x16x10' exposed beams ,6" thick solid wood timber frame , carpeted cement floor one reclining sofa and a 2:1 and a rack lol
I think that the front end should be no more than two times the cube root of the cost of the speakers, if the room is built to the Golden Mean.
"Inna, Spending as much on a cartridge as on speakers would not be my approach, that's for sure."

What is your approach? Do you have a formula? I have never really thought about it that way. If I hear something that sounds great and has synergy in my system I will usually buy it. I have three primary cartridges. Each one is about 1/3 the cost of my speakers. So based on what I have done, without thinking about it ahead of time, is that each of my turntable/tonearm/cartridge stumps cost about the same as my speakers, not including tonearm cable or phono preamp.

I would be interested in your thoughts on this.

I don't have a formula but I have a few rules that I try to follow.
Analogue front end should be very strong or all will be for nothing. I believe that the table itself is the most important part of it, then the arm, then the phono and then the cartridge. Good $350 MM cartridge sounds excellent in $1500 arm and $4000 table through $1500 phono. That's what I have. One day I will upgrade the catridge and the phono, preferably at the same time and preferable to something about three times more expensive.
The speakers. I keep them for a very long time, 15-20 years, so they must be good. I don't think that there is anything under $10k that I would really like to upgrade to, so for now I keep my 17 year old speakers that used to cost $1500 new.
I buy everything used except cartridges.
So yes, as you said, whatever sounds great, taking the cost into consideration.