Curious .. What is the compared price of your tt vs spkrs

Ok people im curious  
what is the price range of you entire analogue set up vs your spkr s with cables .. I often wonder what a guys table set up is when he is running a set of wilsons , or the 25k tt guy ..
my tt setup is about 75-80%  of my spkrs with cable , but i have a sub I occasionally use lol add another $$ so with that probly 60 -70% 
I am enjoying this discussion .. For me i truly believe as difficult as it may be at times in our lives switching rooms or houses, that it all starts with the room then the source ( just like i mentioned my guitar) then downhill just my opinion it all matters and syncronicity of choices are key i have heard 1k spkrs sound amazing and 25 k spkrs sound weak 
Every heard the same performer at different venues they still slep all the same gear 
My cartridge is worth about as much as my speakers. My turntable is worth about 3 times the value of my speakers.

AMG Viella turntable with Benz Ruby Z, and Harbeth M30.1 speakers.
Front end, analog, approx. $2K, speakers, approx. $19K.  Front end, digital, approx. $6K.  Sound in my music room?  Priceless.  

At least it is to me.