
Responses from rpeluso

What are the absolute legendary Snell model no.s?
What is your location?  In the US?  
Woodstock 1969, or 1967?
Oh boy, I was ready to ignore, but this is hard to ignore.  The smugness, the hubris, the sense of "I'm right, listen to me and learn young man", its way too much.  Why not write these things to yourself and feel better?  Why preach, all the time?... 
A great has died
What an amazing, loving, and beautiful tribute.  Thank you for sharing the link.    
speaker upgrade fever
Would you consider a mint condition Vandersteen 5A set of speakers?  With new batteries in the crossovers, good for another dozen years?     
Favorite Album Cover (picture or art on the cover)
Agree with Revolver  
Collectibles signed by musicians. What do you have?
And a Tony Bennett signature on his first box set. He was at Tower Records in NYC right after a show I attended.  
Collectibles signed by musicians. What do you have?
I forgot, I also have a fully-signed LP by the Statler Brothers.  I "won it" in a silent auction in Nashville that was a benefit for an artist with no health care.  This was around 1982.  
Both, at different times of course.  
Collectibles signed by musicians. What do you have?
A ticket to a Merle Haggard show in Bakersfield signed by Merle.  A CD of Jacob Dylan signed by Jacob.  A CD of Jesse Winchester signed by Jesse.    
I had a dealer recently say to me "other than tonearm cables, all the rest is bulls***.  I did not question him on this.    
Tone Arm Lifter
Arrived today, installed using an LP with the shortest runout groove between the last track and the panel, and it works nicely. Thanks again to all for input!  
Tone Arm Lifter
Done, thank you again.    
Tone Arm Lifter
@lalitk THANK YOU!  Now if I can find someone who sells this.    
Tone Arm Lifter
Thank you all for the replies!  As I looked harder at the table it seems there is very little space between the platter and the arm in which to put one of these clever lift devices.  I see a few here say they use one with their technics tables, an... 
Tone Arm Lifter
@tablejockey thank you; I have seen a number of similar devices and was curious about their utility based on other's experiences.