if 'snappy' means clean, fast, accurate you want a sealed or servo design, though you will give up a bit of maximum volume and/or extension.
you might consider some of the internet directs: epik empire (2x15", sealed) or legend (2x12", sealed), or rhythmik F15 (1x15", servo).
i have a single empire in a 3300ft^3 theater, and i am quite pleased. it stays ruler flat to 20hz in my room. a 2nd will makes its way here before too long. there is absolutely no comparison with the outlaw lfm-1ex (1x12", ported) that it replaced.
to help alleviate the effects of standing waves, 2 smaller subs is almost always better than a single. also, you might want a sub eq (SVS as-eq1 / velodyne sms-1 / antimode 8033)...they can make a world of difference. i have the SVS and it was worth every penny.