Current or Previous Harbeth Owners…

For those of us that have had or currently have, are there other speakers you’ve listened to that you found sounded “better”?  I’m eyeing stepping into a set of 40.2 or 40.3’s, but am also willing to step in a different direction.  I realize “better” is subjective, but a speaker that does what Harbeth does, but better.  

I have a set of Pass Labs XA100.5’s, FWIW.


I’ve owned every Harbeth minus the 40 ( room too small ). I liked all of them and I am now using the Super HL5 plus and in my room it is perfect. Head Bangers need not apply lookin’ at Harbeth! A Cerwin Vega type speaker would be more to your liking!

At last someone mentions the cabinets. In my opinion, the thin walled, "lossy" cabinets used on the Harbeths is a major detriment. I think this applies to all speakers with this type of construction. The designer offers an explanation as to why this is a viable method of construction, but this explanation makes no sense. 

@akg_ca Why would you call the thin wall design a major detriment? Many other speakers use this design including Spendor, Graham, Falcon, Stirling, etc., etc,. It's been around for over 60 years and many enjoy BBC type speakers!

Simple fact that the energy dissipates by vibrating the cabinet which creates coloration through resonance. Now if you like this type of sound then more power to you, but I believe that speaker cabinets should be inert with only the sound of the drivers contributing. Dissipating this energy properly is not a simple proposition however. When you check out some of the more prominent speaker manufacturers they spend an enormous amount to time, energy and expense in the construction of the cabinet. Some may disagree but things like wide baffles, thin walled cabinets and parallel surfaces are not  things that typically contribute to accurate reproduction. They are also very inexpensive, comparatively, to other types of construction. 

So when people discuss the nature of Harbeth sound they describe the texture, tone and natural presentation of the speaker. I take this to mean that they dont hear these attributes on other speakers to the same degree. I attribute this to the fact that Harbeths and similar are coloring the sound in ways that other speakers do not. Some really like this presentation, but I think it is far from natural. My preference is for a transducer that comes as close as possible to the original signal and editorializes less. 


The BS regarding the cabinet resonance of Harbeth is laughable..WTH do you people think a Cello,Violin, Les Paul,Strat or even a close mic’d drum kit would sound like without the body resonance?
I’ve heard VERY VERY expensive,MASSIVELY heavy,dead cabinet speakers like Krell & Magico,IMO they are lifeless & soulless!