Current speaker threads are boring

Almost no talk regarding great speakers, just some endless midlevel stuff. Why is that?
I am sure I could try so many fine speakers. This is a general topic thread. And yes, one of the traits of fine speakers is that they are not boring. To be a little poetic - speakers must have 'soul' not just particular sound signature. They are not only devices, they are 'instruments' designed to reproduce the sound of all other instruments. This is a monumental task to accoplish. Building fine amp or turntable etc. looks like elementary school project compared to this.
The problem is too many individuals!

We need more goosestepping robots!

No, wait...
Maybe market saturation combined with lowering disposable income has created more 'apathy' in general?
I really like reading about high tech speakers like Magico, Kharma etc. And I'd love to listen to speakers with ion tweeters sometime.

That makes me laugh. The only time I wear a helmut is doing happy hour, which by the way I have extended from 3 to 6 all the way from noon till bed time. Usually about 7;30 or 8:00