D2v vs Classe ssp800, which would you prefer?

I have narrowed my choice of ssp's to either the Anthem D2v or Classe ssp800 and would like to hear peoples opinions. It seems to me the anthem has more features but not quite as good sounding as the ssp800. Any thoughts on what you would have in your system?? I am currently an avm30 owner and love it! Obviously, I am very familiar with how it works and its set uo, i.e stay with what you know. My room is not thad bad either. The system is paradigm sig's, mac mc207amp and Marantz ud9004. (would love to own the Mac MX150 but it is priced out of contention. Thanks
I agree, but to play the devil's advocate, does arc level the playing field? For music I would think the Classe would prevail. But in a mixed system, ht and music would not arc be helpful. My room is not that problematic, but I hear arc is very illuminating. Also the D2 does THX post processing. Any comments?
I have owned a D2 and SSP600 and if you are into movies more than music or movies/music at resonable volumes(100db or less) the Anthem is a good bet...BUT..If you love music and at much louder levels(above 100db) go with the classe...
The Anthem at extremely high volumes in 2ch/multi ch music has a obvious digital sound.

In the latest Stereophile issue, Kal Rubinson writes concerning the Class'e CT-SSP "There is also the option of applying room/speaker equalization with a very effective parametric EQ, but no tools for setting this." Unfortunately, Rubinson's writing is often inscrutable, so It's not clear exactly what he means by "no tools" and I assume he distinguishes "parametric EQ" from a form of DRC represented by Anthem's ARC. Perhaps Upgrade1394 can clarify.

Nope. What I meant is that there are no measurement or analysis tools provided by Classe to help the owner set the very useful parametric EQ. That is why I went on to program it with the correction filters recommended by the XTZ Room Analyzer; I had to bring my own tools.

the audio bable can get a little extreme and tiresome at times,for sure..Often one might as well keep a dictionary close by!!
Again,they are both excellent processors,although the Classe is recommended for much higher volume listening,in my humble opinion and experience.