@mitch2 I was planning on buying the AudioByte VOX | ZAP | HUB for $6K but my new Krell integrated has a built-in DAC (no choice for me). So I am not going to get the AudioByte in the near term. You should check it out.
I was also considering the Holo May, T2+, and the Wavelight but the AudioByte stack just impressed the heck out of me with the tech inside it. You can also use the AudioByte firmware to tailor the sound. Currently there is only 1 flavor of the firmware, 2 more are planned and each will have a different sonic signature. Same guys as Rockna.
I was also considering the Holo May, T2+, and the Wavelight but the AudioByte stack just impressed the heck out of me with the tech inside it. You can also use the AudioByte firmware to tailor the sound. Currently there is only 1 flavor of the firmware, 2 more are planned and each will have a different sonic signature. Same guys as Rockna.