DAC Compatible with PS Audio SACD Transport

I have the PS Audio SACD transport on order. The ideal matching DAC to connect the PSA SACD transport is the just released PS Audio Direct Stream DAC II. But at USD8K, the price makes it seem like a bridge too far. Therefore I am looking for  another DAC that is compatible with the PSA SACD transport, for SACD playback via I2S. I am eyeing the Holo Audio Spring 3 KTE DAC as it is reported to be an excellent DAC and is substantially cheaper than the PSA DAC. 

Are there any other DACs that you can recommend? Or do you think I should bite the bullet and get the PSA SACD DAC?

I must admit to being tempted from time to time, as PSA releases regular DAC updates which essentially gets you a new DAC. But then sanity intrudes LOL. 



@smatsui & @dcpillai


My bad & my apologies if I gave out incorrect information. It was not done deliberately.

When I ordered the PSA transport, I never did any detailed research on the DAC side of things and thought that any DAC with I2S would work out fine and soon found out that that would not be the case. Didn’t know what PIN configurations were, let alone that they could be set.

Along the way I acquired an older Perfect Stream, which I thought was special and fantastic sounding, but would not work with the new Transport. The Gain Cell sounds ok and is no slouch, but it is not a Direct Stream. Also got to work with Paul directly to troubleshoot what was going on with my system, which was very cool.

Good luck with your new Transport, when you get it. It is excellent.



Personally, I would cancel the PS Audio transport order, and wait a few weeks for the Esoteric K-05XD.  Arguably the best transport mechanism on the planet, with a DAC that is phenomenal.  I think the MSRP is 8K.  I was considering the PS Audio SACD transport and a Holo DAC as well, but for 8K, the Esoteric is a much better option IMO.

@fred60 Thanks for the heads up. My Sony SCD-1 stopped playing SACDs this week and I was looking for a replacement.

The Project RS2 dac has i2s connections ....this enable my rs2 transport to reclock ....BUT not sure if the I2s protocol is the same with all manufacturers .... Superb DAC though ...

If you can trial one ... If the the I2s connection is proprietary you could order a custom cable to connect them if you know the schematics

Any of the Denafrips DAC that has I2S would be my go-to DAC... I belive it is all configurable. as I2S pinouts are not standardized.  Alvin Chee of Vinshine audio is a great guy to work with.


BTW, I am under the impression that PSAudio's SACD transport is due for a refresh as the current model has been around a long time.