The different analog filter choices on DAC chips should not have an impact on the volume, just on the signal. So it doesn't make sense to change the signal amplitude unless you're specifically trying to make the user prefer one filter over the other in a way that has nothing to do with the filter itself. In which case you might as well just recommend a specific filter, or pick a specific filter and not allow the user to change it.
Choice of filter could be saved with different settings but that requires including additional software and hardware with the product as well as developing a management UI, all of which will increase the cost. Versus simple hardware push buttons / toggles which is significantly less expensive to implement. But yes, there are certainly products that do that (not necessarily very expensive products, but it kind of depends on the company/market/product).
As for the name, I personally think it is fine for the filter names to be approximate descriptions of the filter. It also avoids having to design and implement text-input, which is usually very inconvenient unless you are using a mobile device or computer.
Choice of filter could be saved with different settings but that requires including additional software and hardware with the product as well as developing a management UI, all of which will increase the cost. Versus simple hardware push buttons / toggles which is significantly less expensive to implement. But yes, there are certainly products that do that (not necessarily very expensive products, but it kind of depends on the company/market/product).
As for the name, I personally think it is fine for the filter names to be approximate descriptions of the filter. It also avoids having to design and implement text-input, which is usually very inconvenient unless you are using a mobile device or computer.