DAC, preamp, amp - picking the right ones

Many people here on Audiogon have been helpful to me in setting up a system in my study, and I now seek your help in putting together another system, for my living room. In the study I now have Snell Type A speakers (have had them for 30 years, love them), Odyssey dual mono amp, BAT VK20 preamp, Pertpetual Tech P-3A dac, iMac, turntable coming. I want to send music from the iMac to my living room wirelessly and control it from there. I'm planning to get an Apple TV for that - will display and control itunes library on big television screen, and send audio by toslink to DAC. I need the rest - DAC, preamp, amp - to go with Snell Type AIII speakers (these are big, 12" woofers, 300 lbs a pair, 86 db sensitivity) in a pretty big room. Must have remote for preamp. (1) I could go with an all-in-one solution, but this would probably have to be new. Moon i3.3 for $4000, Bryston B100P/DA for $5500, Peachtree Audio Nova for $1200. (2) I could go with separates. I used to have tubes, liked the sound. Possible DAC would be tri-vista (must have toslink input). Other good tube dac that I could get used for under $1200? (3) For preamp I'm considering Odyssey Tempest Extreme, Jeff Rowland Capri, Parasound Halo JC2, Audio Research SP16. Pretty big price range here. (4) For amp, I'm considering Accuphase P350, Parasound Halo A21, Odyssey Stratos (maybe monos). I like the Odyssey I have. I am too far from anywhere to audition anything. I have to buy it and try it - and resell it if it doesn't work with what I have. Any comments on any of these, and especially on how some of them would go together? Other suggestions? Integrated amp?
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Showing 1 response by emorrisiv

I have heard the Snell AIII (it has been a while). They need a lot of AMP! The setup back in those days was a Pereaux (spelling) solid state putting out over 200w a side. (I have the Snell E from back then).
Can you bi-wire the AIII? If so I would.