DAC Question: Delta-Sigma vs R2R

I have a general question, I am looking to buy my first standalone DAC, right now I have an Azur 851N, which is a streamer/DAC. As I look I continue to see discussions on Delta-Sigma vs R2R DACs.

I am in no way an audio expert nor do I have a good understanding of electronics.

In Laymen terms, Could anybody explain what is the difference between the 2 technologies?





Congratulations . You said what is important to you is: “but the natural and accurate tone of the instrument I am listening to” 


Yes… I second that. Every component you own effects the output and not concentrating on just detail can lead to a more satisfying system sound.



In my search for a new DAC, I have found some highly regarding R2R Ladder DACs in the 3-5 K price range a bit thin sounding and a bit raw ( particularly with rock music ) .

Is that just my ears? or has anyone else experienced the same.

Do I need to look at higher priced R2R?


I don’t find thinness an attribute of any particular design, but of the overall quality (and typically expense) of the unit. A really good designer will carefully select all the components as well as the design so as to optimize the sound. Typically as you get into better DACs… let’s just say >$6 or $7K the overall presence, bass, and natural sound quality get better as well as the noice floor getting lower… revealing more detail.