DAC recommendation with tube preamp

Looking for some recommendations for a DAC to pair with my BAT VK333SE and Revel Salon 2s.  The  BAT is on the cold side of neutral and the Salon 2s are very neutral with great bass and dynamics.  I'm looking for accuracy/clarity with a bit of sparkle without sacrificing any bass.  Something to offset the darkness of the BAT and maximize the dynamics of the Salons.

I'm currently using the DAC in my Bluesound Node 2.  I recently auditioned a Mytek Brooklyn DAC + and didn't find it that much better than the DAC in my Node 2.  I little more decay with the voice and a slightly wider sound stage, but not $2200 better.  This was the first Sabre chip DAC I've heard in my system and was expecting it to work great as I've always heard the Sabre chips are bright.  But I didn't find enough to justify the cost.  So I'm on the prowl again.

I'm really trying to keep the cost around $2500 but am willing to go up to $5000 max for the right fit.  I've read the Mytek Manhattan II is much better than the Brooklyn due to the dual power supply.  But will the sonic signature be that much different?  Some other options I'm looking at:
Benchmark DAC 3 HGC
Chord Qutest
Schitt Yggy 
PS DirectStream JR
Simaudio 280D

All opinions on these and any other options welcome.  MQA and DSD are not that important to me.  They're more like a bonus.  I do get MQA now via Tidal Masters from Bluesound but I have no DSD files and don't plan on investing in any.

Given the above, is there anything better than the Yggy for pure PCM at $2500?  Even at $5000 or under?  

Two other intriguing options are the Simaudio 390 Network Player and the NAD C 658.  Both are streaming/network players that offer a DAC.  Not sure if anyone has any reviews on either?  The C 658 includes Dirac Live, which I currently have in my Emotiva XMC-1 processor and like what it does for my room.  But I'm not sure if the DAC in these will be anything special or if these are more of an all in one solution with the DAC as an after-thought.  

Thanks all.

Most all solid state DACs won’t alter bass nor decay.

Soundstage width issues could be channel matching and/or crosstalk.

The Benchmark, Chord, and PS Audio ones would be excellent. the Benchmark and Chord are awesome, I just really dislike their asthetic. I would not recommend buying the PS Audio one new though, it is not worth >2x the Benchmark or Chord.

As a DAC, the Node 2i has a SINAD (Signal over Noise and Distortion) of ~87dB, so not good enough for 16Bit (CD, MP3, etc.), while the Benchmark and Chord are between 110dB and 115dB.

Now, 87dB may be good enough with music masking the noise/distortion in addition to your room’s floor noise, but as an absolute audibility threshold it falls short.
If it were me, I’d forego the Node altogether and divide the budget between a better streamer paired with a good DAC. Perhaps a Lumin paired with a Chord.
A used Auralic Vega might be worth considering. I have my node 2 running into my Vega and am very happy with the combination.