DAC shopping - Trying to sift through the Hype. Can I trust the reviews these days ??

Hi All,

Well I've been reading a ton of threads about DACs. This is a very complicated endeavor, trying to find a new DAC. My 1st question is: Can I trust all the Youtube reviews these days ?

Seems like everyone is promoting the same DACs. I'm looking into a R2R Dac. Tons of hype for Holo May,Cyan,Laiv Harmony,Denafrips. Are these truly great Dacs or are they just the flavour of the month ?. There is almost zero negativity towards these Dacs. It's kind of like when the Eversolo streamers came out. Seemed like every reviewer was pushing the Eversolo. So searching for a new DAC online almost seems like sponsored ADs everywhere, am I wrong in feeling this way ?

That all being said here is my criteria for a new DAC (Probably searching the used market to get best value)

I believe I want to go with a R2R Dac, but it's not a dealbreaker.

My budget: $1000-$3000

My system: Bryston 3B Cubed, VTL(tube pre),Bel Canto 3.7 Dac(with upgrades), Antipodes Ds-3(player/server).

I really enjoy my Bel Canto 3.7, but it doesn't have USB input and I'm curious how much better a DAC sounds in 2024, compared to an older Bel Canto,. My BC has an upgraded linear supply. Once again this DAC sounds beautiful, but when its not compared to anything......Maybe I'm depriving myself of a better DAC. This is the only DAC I've had with existing equipment.

I know plenty of you will say go audition as many DACs as you can, but that is difficult unless it's hooked up to my gear. Won't help going to a store with a DAC being hooked up to different gear.Plus I want to buy used. I can buy higher end with a bit of a discount.


From my research these are the DACs I'm thinking of pursuing:

Laiv Harmony

Denafrips Pontas ii

Holo Cyan


You can tell from my choices that I've been buying into the hype.

Please add to my list of DACs and please dispel any extra hype over the most talked about models.



In a similar spot to you...wanting to make a significant jump.  Aqua and T+A are my current front runners.  I'll be curious to hear what you end up getting an how you end up liking it.

Buy a Topping D10s. It can intake USB and output Toslink or Coax. That way you can add a USB input to your Bel Canto for under $100. Problem solved. 

I believe Antipodes claim they found the secret sauce to make USB work however their gear is for me not inexpensive.  I think USB was a safe bet to allow for DSD and it is cheap.  The crazy number and variety of USB “decanters are testament to its flaws.

i use the Ethernet output of my Statement convert it to fiber, send it thru a Sonore Signature Rendu SE and then send it to the Antipodes S20.  It’s so much more musical than direct USB from the Statement to Goldengate even though it has the new JL Audio USB input.

You’ve sorted through two pages of posts that push to one core assessment of the “best” DAC ….. it depends entirely on your bespoke system .

So what makes a good DAC choice when you are assessing options blindly without personal auditions and just reading the confusing reviews….. or distilling down all these confusing and oft conflicting posts ?

Then think about the following DAC design and DAC build factors. .

Too many believe that the magic silver bullet to a good converter lies in just choosing a “high-end” flavor -of-the-month converter chip. Sure …. Top end chip is a first good step and many have it as their first marketing post, (with some competing OEM brand overlap / commonalities …) but it’s nowhere near the key core differentiation factors.

Rather, we know that the essence of the musicality also resides in the line signal processing stages, the power supplies (transformers, filtering, regulation, and preferably linear… ), the digital signal processing before conversion, the quality of the key components: clocks, transistors, capacitors, op amps, etc.

Build Quality matters and yes .,, it’s gonna intuitively cost ya more.Buying cheap here is a significant compromise.

PS.,,, Ensure you like the digital interface / app in a streamer section if it’s included in the DAC, Some of the OEM software choices are dodgy, and/or have crappy support , or worse. And some are truly excellent point and click delights.